How to hike
Sandankyo Gorge

How to sandankyo

Ready to experience the grandness of nature at Sandankyo?
Make the most of your journey with a few easy steps.

01Things to Prepare

Hiking Clothes and Shoes

We encourage you to wear long-sleeve shirts and pants to protect your skin from bugs and the elements.
As the pathway contains many steep hills and pebbles, we advise you to wear hiking boots or durable athletic shoes.

Public Restrooms and Drinks

There are 3 public restrooms available in Sandankyo at the following locations: Kurobuchi Pool, Mizunashi Gate and Yoshigahara.
You must bring your own drinks as there are no vending machines available for use in Sandankyo.

Sunsets and the Weather

Be forewarned that sudden drops in temperature are common following the setting of the sun in deep valleys. Even in the summer, it would be wise to bring a jacket for the afternoon.
Also, please allot ample time for your return trip.

Pictures and Videos

To avoid injury, do not use your cellphone while walking.
If using a tripod when taking photos, take care not to block the path.
Please refrain from venturing away from the designated pathway.

01Prohibition Against the Collection of
Plants and Animals

As a designated scenic beauty, everything in the gorge is protected under the Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties (1950). Therefore, the taking of any animal or plant species from Sandankyo is strictly prohibited.

  • alt
    Living animals
  • alt
    Plants, fallen leaves
  • alt
    Small rocks

01Watch Your Step

Falling Rocks

Beware of falling rocks, especially near waterfalls, in valleys and near steep cliffs.

Poison Ivy

Be careful not to touch poison ivy as it could be present near the walkway. You can identify poison ivy plants which often grows close to the ground and have leaf-groupings of three.Should you come in contact with poison ivy and develop hives, please seek medical treatment.


Ticks are disease carriers that can infect humans through their bites. Avoid tick bites by covering exposed skin and refraining from entering areas of dense, tall grass.If bitten by a tick, please seek medical treatment.


Several species of poisonous snakes can be spotted throughout the gorge.Should you come across a snake, take care not to provoke it.

Falling Trees

Beware of falling branches and trees.You might also come across fallen trees on the pathway.

Black Flies and Horse Flies [Bug Warning]

Black flies look like small flies, while horse flies are found near the waterside and resemble hornets.The bite of either causes long-lasting inflammation and/or pain many times worse than a typical mosquito bite. Protect yourself by keeping your skin covered and carrying a bottle of bug spray.

Black Bears and Wild Boars

Located in northern Hiroshima prefecture, Akiota-town is home to many wild boars and black bears. Should you cross paths with either during your journey, try to pass by quietly without provoking them.

Centipedes and Bees

Be warned of the presence of bees and centipedes (often found hiding in rotting trees and under fallen leaves). Should you come across either, proceed carefully without provoking them.